Blue Notes #10: The most annoying part of wedding planning
I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative
Hola Blueberries!
I just got back from San Diego for work and WOW it is gorgeous! (Why didn’t anyone tell me!?) I had no idea it was such a museum paradise, on top of being just a regular paradise. My favorite was the Museum of Us, especially a very moving exhibit about the precious souls who died while crossing the Mexico-U.S. border. Beautifully done.
While I was there, I was not on email, which leads me to my #1 irritation as of late. Let’s discuss this…
Earlier in the month I meant to set up a call with a potential wedding photographer, but Life Things kept getting in the way and I replied to her email way too many days later.
“Thank you so much for your patience as I had a wacky week,” I apologized.
“No problem,” she replied, “I know how stressful wedding planning is.”
A perfectly gracious response! Yet I was so annoyed by it.
(Can you guess why?)
This has been the most annoying thing about wedding planning (and maybe life??) so far: