Mari, your work has often been a balm and source of bright hope in my life! Grateful for you, your heart, and your art. This post, specifically, has arrived at just the right time. I’ve been dealing with a lot lately and trying to still show up and add love to the world. Social media has been a source of forgetting to love myself lately. Thank you for this!

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That just might be my favorite definition of Christian I’ve ever seen & deeply resonate with! I’m currently going through Richard Rhor’s Living School and it has been such a profound, beautiful, slightly terrifying yet gentle experience. Thanks for always putting into words such deeply human experiences 💛💛

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Thankful for these words! As my platform grows, the cancel culture stuff is really scary and shame-inducing for me. A couple people have come at me about small things and I’ve crumbled. I’ve felt like a human cashew, too. And I’m so quick to give mercy to others….exactly. Thank you for putting words to this for me ❤️and for letting me know I’m not alone!

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Wow, I don’t quite have the words to express the warmth in my stomach, the relief and recognition and gratitude I feel from reading what you wrote. Thank you so much.

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Oh Mari I so get it!

I just put this poem by Czeslaw Milosz up on my ktichen cabinet:

Love means to look at yourself

The way one looks at distant things

For you are only one thing among many.

And whoever sees that way heals (her) heart,

without knowing it, from various ills-

A bird and a tree say to (her): Friend.

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Mari, thank you for this. 🤍 Isn’t it funny how sometimes the people who feel so deeply about others can have a hard time extending that same grace to ourselves?

Also, I just want you to know that your retreat in North Carolina left me feeling better about myself, life, and God. I felt so at ease there. Your comments to me felt so profoundly perfect, and I have looked back at my notes many times since then. We were all lucky to have you as our teacher! 💞

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This is so beautiful and bright Mari! Seriously. Thiiiis is it ❤️‍🩹 Just what the world needs and even more so, just what I need. I find that the more I embrace this mindset the more aligned and grounded I feel. Also, as a fellow Jesus loving/ Buddha revering/ Agnostic/Overall Nerd… is this not the very essence of grace? To me it is. The ultimate healing balm. & I’m going to try and carry that first-day of-kindergarten-type grace with me wherever I go. :))

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I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this right now. May we give each other grace to be beautifully, fallibly human.

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Again it went. No good at this. You’re better than the cancel culture. Can’t believe you let them break you

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My comment escaped before it was finished. I never ever bought into the cancel culture finding its foundation a gross lie and its revenge based agenda repressive and authoritarian. Nothing American is sacred to their self appointed or anointed leaders. I am surprised to hear not even women. . They don’t support women in any way and embrace people who hold joyously babies Refuting our own insThey don’t support our own women and ignore turn a blind eye to the recent joy filled ravaging of young girls and women mutilation of babies & young girls, the ongoing rapand see nothing but and hate destructive, nothing American sacred. MThe self anointed appointed leaders or so. The self anointed appointed leaders arhypocrites hypocrites nothing but hypocrisy, hatewasn’t finished

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Not one of your million followers on Instagram nor familiar with any of your writing, what a nice surprise to have stumbled onto your piece. It was heartfelt . This piece was heartfelt and beautifully written. As I never bought in to the fascist hypocritical cancel culture and with y pop u time reading you. Not one of your million followers on instagram. Never got sucked in to cancel culture. But this was a beautiful piece beautifully writtenu will now look for you in Substack. It

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This is so tender and wise - thank you! (And as a fellow asterisked Christian-ish person, the way you frame your beliefs is encouraging. I haven't found a label that doesn't require a lot of qualifiers, living in the U.S.)

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I really needed to read this today. I don’t have a platform or whatever but I do feel daily that I am not enough for my family, friends and my staff. Life just feels so incredibly hard right now and I thank you for the reminder that I should extend the same grace to myself as I do to others. Thank you, as always, for your beautiful and timely words. 💛

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Beautiful, Mari. I have the same inclination: benefit of doubt extended to everyone except myself AND those closest to me. (Yikes.) I do think it has to do with not having a Realistic View of what being human IS. Thank you for sharing. 🩷

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Once again, thank you for your incredible honesty and insight. Every time I read your pieces I feel the kindred enneagram 4-ness. Oh shame, our biggest teacher. You ARE "someone who made people feel okay-ish in the world. And maybe, maybe, maybe, encouraged others to do the same."

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I appreciate you sooooo much. Thank you for writing this. <3

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