This piece was very constructive and comforting for me. With the advent of the recent catastrophe in Israel/Palestine, I find every day is a minefield. It's a cake with an infinite number of layers, each one revealing more pain. Thank you.

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May we all see each other as humans. Amen.

Your post helped me not be as afraid of conflict!

Hope your wedding was wonderful!!!!

I’m hoping (but we’ll see how it goes) to post more updates as we get closer to our baby’s surgery in about a week, if you want to stay updated. I know you’ve been kind to give words of comfort before.

Much love and enjoy your first months of marriage!

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Thank you. A few years back i had this realization (still having it) and I made it one of my personal goals to “not only accept disagreement, but to welcome it.” We were never supposed to all agree!

Your comment about Jesus reminded me of a piece of artwork I saw in 2020, right in the midst of the heated and “othering” content that filled social media at the time. It was a series of images of Jesus kneeling down and washing the feet of a person who sat on a chair in front of him. The person on the chair changed with each slide; it included protesters of opposing sides, police officers, inmates, both presidential candidates. I remember being taken aback by the slight discomfort inducing photos, probably crinkling my nose at first, unable to process the “other” as worthy enough. That discomfort quickly became a teacher, showing me that this is the exact thing we’ve been missing. Of all the revolutionary causes to get behind, this was the most crucial one.

I have seen this image changed through the times over the various conflicts that have taken place the last few years. In a way, I dread new election seasons, as the grip that these spells have on people can actually be frightening? (And the best of us have drank the potion at least once;)

Since stepping back from social media, I full body cringe to think of my online political presence in the past… and often have phrases go through my mind such as “did I realize how performative it all was?!” lol. Getting back to real-life connections with people of all backgrounds and viewpoints has been the healing balm to all of this.

I so appreciate you writing in an honest way about these real, messy topics — this one is of most importance! & thank you for allowing me to reflect on the mirror that is the universal “Euyugch!”

I hope I never let cultural crossfire, or political agendas, get in the way of seeing another human, as they are, in their full humanity.


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Oh you. I could just cry. And I let one big fat pure tear roll down after reading this. Thank you, thank you, sister, for so viscerally understanding what I'm saying and taking it down to a deeper level. Your enormous compassion is disarming. I've read your words many times each with a different expression on my face--you've both comforted and challenged me!!!! (Which, I learned last Sunday, the Bible is supposed to do:)

Thank you for your empathy for the Cringe Fests upon seeing old posts ;) and for all the nose-crinkles! As much as I understand that I lose God the minute I believe he's a bigger version of myself...my ego has led me astray so many times. And isn't that so human??

Your comment has been really healing for me, more than you know. I'm in a shame-spiral about something totally unrelated to this topic, but your sweetness toward your past self and others has helped me feel better today. Oh how I wish we could all feel a little better about the shame we carry. What a world that would be. Let's work on it together :)

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Lovely. Thank you!

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Mari!! Brilliant!! As always, I have so.many.thoughts. A kitchen convo for the ages! Buckle in?? THANK YOU for writing such a thought-provoking account of an updated philosophy that, yes, I dare say is blossoming in various corners of our collective humanity. Please let it be fruitful and multiply!!

I can’t recall if I’ve shared this or some version but it bears repeating to triple underline the weight of your words here. Way back in the dark times, I was eyeball-deep in liberal-left shame and, therefore, Othering the hell out of people to make up for my apparent sins. This Othering included my very own dear sister. At one point I was beaten so far down by said shame that I started to feel like biting back... against my own tribe. During this period, I did some research (Reddit, so obv very reputable) and stumbled across a thread of white dudes sharing stories about their days as far-left liberals who spent most of their time protesting racism. Apparently they were verbally attacked and shamed so often by their own group that, one day, they had attended, to protest, a David Duke talk and fell for his message. The subreddit was for white nationalists. I was so horrified--not in EW but in heartbreak. From that point on, I switched gears to practice holding opposing truths and recognize nuance in every conflict. I felt so much more true to my spirit (and, admittedly, my obsession with misunderstood characters!) It makes me sick when I try telling folks that shame is a dangerous weapon and they retort that, no, it’s useful to help society improve. And while, yes, I can even hold THAT comment as a version of truth (Historically, Christianity played an important role in greater forgiveness, fostering community, care for those less fortunate) But eventually things went sideways. (This is why we can’t have nice things!!)

With that said, I too am hopeful as I see “what about BOTH sides?” grace the comment sections. Perhaps--because we’ve placed more importance on mental health, divergent neurology, and self-love--corners of society are opening up to authentic (read: not performative) acceptance of opposing perspectives.

I’m going to jump on that podcast! Synchronicity City: I read an article* yesterday about St. George Retirement Syndrome: “the pathological state an initially heroic person can wind up in. After having succeeded in a righteous battle, the winner becomes preoccupied with increasingly trivial causes. In the end, the hero is too committed and too proud to call it quits. What started out as a laudable pursuit is now indistinguishable from madness.”

As a poignant and coincidental aside, my sister got married last night and it was one of the happiest days of my entire life. We’d been incredibly close our entire lives... up until those dark late two thousand teens times... when families everywhere were being torn apart. But a couple years ago we realized how asinine it is to indulge in political warfare rather than of resolve familial conflict. I kick myself for going so dark back then, but I’m grateful we’ve returned to love. And that I felt genuine pure joy for her and her husband. With that said, and forgive the odd segue, congratulations on your own wedded bliss!! If you feel so inclined to write an essay about it one day, I think we’d all love a glimpse of your joy, but to keep those emotions all to yourself is just as wonderful and welcome.

On that note, if you love writing about topics like this, I LOVE reading them and adore your fresh perspective, so please keep sharing even if it feels awkward or scary (although you’ve always spoke from your heart so I’m sure it’s invigorating and cathartic!!) With that said, I can’t WAIT to read your book 😍


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I rolled your words through my mind all of yesterday as I walked through the glamorous and gritty East Village, post-church, letting a confronting sermon spread and melt through all the little English-muffin crannies of my heart, while listening to Fall Music ™ and enjoying the most Platonically perfect October Sunday...so, so, so grateful for you and a couple other kindreds in my life who are able to enrich my thoughts and make me feel way less CRAZYTOWN for thinking..."This doesn't seem right?"

^^^^ Such was my intuition for so much of 2016-2020, yet the Mob had me. And I have so much compassion for my past self, FINALLY getting a chance to let out one long scream that's been buried in me since adolescence--a time when I affixed safety pins and band patches to my backpack in an effort to show people that I was a TRUE rebel and remind myself not to have any fun or joy, lest I accidentally forget about my activism. (The Bush era was an RIPE time to go to high school!!!) And I was also so worried about my slipping-away career and how to stay true to my soul yanking me in a direction I couldn't yet understand, while also remaining consistent--the #1 advice I give any creative person wanting to (ugh ugh) "grow an audience."

(How much are you charging for this therapy sesh, btw?)

But I saw all the messaging so early and knew, KNEW it felt wrong. It would take years and many books--thank god for the many Black women who have been writing about this very thing since the 70s--to realize...Oh right. It IS wrong. Because I'm an abolitionist. And one of my chosen teachers is Jesus, who preached abolition on every level. And yet I'm using the same freaking master's tools to dehumanize people into objects I can place in some sort of mental prison so I don't have to think about them ever again. Great!

Except....we ALL know what happens to people who are banished to the basements. The Reddit thread you speak of surprises me absolutely zero. I remember talking with a friend in one of the most vulnerable moments of 2020, saying, "I feel more accepted right now from people I thought were the enemy." And I could see how easily folks could find comfort in those they suspected were the exact opposite of them, especially as the rest of us pushed them farther and farther away.

I am SO RELIEVED that I'm not under that spell anymore, but this past week brought up a lot of those old thoughts and feelings. Dare I say "triggering?" And I don't feel nearly smart enough to write this kind of thing, so THANK YOU for reading it and encouraging my catharsis!!! Oh and for sharing that link....wowzers. It speaks to yet another source of fatigue from not so long ago...."When will we feel like we've repaired anything, if we're determined to look for brokenness, going so far as to break things just to have something to repair?"

I am elaaaaated that you and your sister alchemized war into conflict, then transformed conflict something that sounds so so sweet. YAY! And ohhhh I WILL be writing about the wedding ;) Something sitting in drafts that's becoming more epic and unnecessary by the minute! But I want to get all the photos back first :)))

Loved our kitchen counter talk this morning. You best believe I've been drinking out of a mug that says I LOVE MY CAT.

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The gratitude is absolutely 1000% shared!! (And we’re Even Steven on the therapy sesh!) To safely explore these questions and ideas here with you, it’s been such a balm on the difficult journey. The English muffin crannies!!! Yes yes yes!! It’s so true!!

After a quick refresher of bell hooks, my mind now swims with thoughts about love ethics and how it’s no wonder we get into these messes when so many of us don’t even know what love is (beyond the patriarchal version). “Love isn’t always kind” triggers us to think “oh the opposite of kind is either hatred, or worse, banishment/abandonment.” No. Like James Baldwin said, “If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see.” To learn to love (and be loved) like this, in our society, is a tall order. At the turn of the decade, so many of us wanted to rush through it, race to the part where it stopped being messy and uncomfy. But unfortunately, that’s next to impossible when so many of us have enough trouble loving ourselves in such a complicated way. After 2020, I had to scale all the way back and dedicate ‘21 to “fall back in love with myself”... oof.

Long story long, it’s fascinating to witness the power of love (well, also its exploitation, tbh) when I see folks running into the arms of The Other when they feel canceled. We can definitely love better than that!!!

High school during the Bush era, I can’t imagine!! I was at progressive UW Madison donning my Nader pin. Haven’t heard the end of that one (facepalm). And now the metaphorical equivalent of those safety pins and patches is your REBELLIOUS attempt to question the status quo of modern liberal activism. To ask: “can’t we do better? Can’t we use better tools??” You’re right, last week has been “triggering” to say the least... just the emotional fatigue of “here we go again” when I don’t want to BE exhausted by those who have the privilege to state an opinion in a 1200x1200 pixel square or a 16:9 video. I want to remain vital enough to keep the door opened to love and pray for resolution, rather than lose hope by drowning in all the rhetoric.

Btw, you are VERY smart about this! While some attempt to pontificate based on several millennium’s worth of historical politics, you speak from something we all have access to if we try hard enough: emotional instinct and intelligence. We need so much more of THAT.

Ok from the ridiculous to the sublime, I hope you heard my high pitched squeeee from miles away per your mention of a wedding essay. “Epic and unnecessary” are precisely what I need right now!! With photos?!? Yes please!!

- typed on my phone while sipping mushroom coffee from my “One Cat Short of Crazy” mug!

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Can agree with most of what you state in this piece. That is why it has been so disheartening over the years that we have been encouraging to divide and identify ourselves as a member of a group. This does so much to divide us rather than seeking the common ground, common humanity which brings us all together.

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Thank you, Mari, our angel who graces our Substacks and e-mails. The world is a better place because you are in it!

And congratulations on your wedding!!

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Because this isn't working-- preach preach preach good woman. Thank you for this brave and lifesaving conversation. Love you so.

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MARI WOW This desperately needs to be talked about. Key word being TALK; ie. interacting, conversing- and yes: engaging in healthy conflict, with the common goal of Humanity remaining intact.

Reading this was that crazy thing when you find yourself reading someone else and can barely contain the explosive YES YES EXACTLY YES AHH THIS IS EXACTLY IT DING DING DING

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'DING DING DING' is my favorite explosive as of late!!!!! :) And I'm so honored to receive it!!!!!!!

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This is so timely - on a global level, of course, but also a personal level, for me.

My sister is visiting and she is difficult. She is my Other. I resemble her more than I’m comfortable admitting. She’s nearly impossible to spend time with and resistant to connection. I was lying here pondering how to move forward when I saw your column.

Your words, as always, remind me of the bedrock empathy required to make progress. Thank you.

And best wishes on your marriage!! 😘

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Oh man. Sisters. I can only imagine, from an only child's brain. The ultimate mirrors, I'd imagine, of all that is gorgeous and ghastly about us!

I'm thinking of you both. PHEW! Family entanglements are so rough, as I know from different relationships. Impossible and still necessary, like little microcosms of our whole universe!

Sending you lots and lots of love, and grace, and patience, and whiskey or chocolate, or whatever gets you through the conversations ;)

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This is so lovely and like a beautiful balm in the midst of the current tragedies in the world — it reminds me a lot of Celtic Christianity and the book I just read called Sacred Earth Sacred South, about how all things are sacred and formed from the substance of God. It’s such a holistic, inclusive spirituality. Thank you for writing this post Mari!

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I'm reading that right now!!!! The most genius book; I think it will take years for it to fully absorb into my bones. Makes me want to move to Ireland and become a nun, honestly, or at least be one with the grass and the donkeys!

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No way!! I don't know anyone else who's read it -- I absolutely fell in love! Don't mind me, casually looking up pilgrimages in Ireland

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Thank you so much for sharing this email, Mari. All of this food for thought helps me navigate a new work environment with a lot of new, challenging personalities. Learning how to embrace these challenges, these differences, feels like it creates more space and ease to just be me!

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Thank you for sharing your brave perspective, I too hope for when we can see each other as human first.

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Termino de leerte con los ojos aguados, Mari. Así sea! Así sea!

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